HOw can we help?
When you’re looking for Assisted Living in Texarkana, TX, to help with daily chores (cooking, cleaning, laundry) and the other activities of daily life (dressing, bathing, what-have-you), take a close look at Cornerstone. We’ll help you return again to the best of your independent lifestyle. Our team of professionals is ready to jump in to help remove the worry, the stress, and the work that might be holding you back from living life to the fullest. The best part is, they are fiercely defensive of your autonomy and want to keep you in the driver’s seat. Just because you receive a little support here and there doesn’t mean you have to surrender control over meaningful decisions. After all, this is YOUR life, and it should be overflowing with joy. Our role is to simply ask, “How can we help?”
Care for the body, mind, and spirit
When considering Assisted Living in Texarkana, TX you may primarily consider location, price, and amenities. All of those considerations are certainly important to your final decision. However, the true difference is discovered when you also find a culture that allows for continual growth, despite age or limitations. Finding this one-of-a-kind culture can be a life altering differentiation. When folks make a home at Cornerstone, they find just that- a culture that is committed to chasing away boredom, loneliness and helplessness, the very things that rob you of true joy and fulfillment. Our team works tirelessly to facilitate opportunities, both scheduled and spontaneous, that allow you to maintain the ingredients of life that make it full and meaningful. Those ingredients are The Eden Alternative’s domains of wellbeing: identity, growth, autonomy, security, connectedness, meaning, and joy. We believe that caring for others starts with prioritizing these core needs. That’s why our staff is specially trained to deliver excellent care for the body, mind, and spirit.

Certain daily activities are simply part of life. Grooming, eating, getting around – normal life, right? Until they’re not. And that’s precisely where Assisted Living comes in. After all, when you can’t keep up with the ADLs, you may begin to suffer in other ways too. It is common to see older adults who struggle without the support they need develop a cognitive decline, emotional instability or loss of mobility, to only name a few. Once that support is put in place, don’t be surprised if your confidence returns followed by a big dose of renewed enthusiasm for life.
A sweet Suite
Your beautiful apartment includes a kitchenette, private bath and walk-in shower with built-in safety features. Add daily customized care, 3 meals, housekeeping and laundry twice a week, scheduled transportation, and a full activity calendar.
- Beautiful lobby and community activity center
- Attractive and professional landscaping
- Casual and formal dining venues
- Private dining accommodations
- Large auditorium
- Library and/or reading rooms
- Chapel for all denominations
- Private mailboxes
- Fitness room
- Ice cream parlor
- Hair salon and other on-site conveniences
- 24/7 emergency call-and-response system
- Business office services: notary, photocopies
- Catering on request
- Exercise, fitness and wellness programs
- Fine restaurant-style dining
- Guest accommodations
- Laundry and linen service
- Life-enriching activities for mind, body and soul, which may include music, exercise, movies, and outings to local restaurants and events
- Transportation
- Weekly housekeeping
- Worship services for all denominations, daily
Let’s chat
This is a big decision, huge! Let us help, contact us for transparent talk and a tour of Cornerstone Assisted Living.